I am a PhD candidate at the Chair of Process and Data Science (PADS) at RWTH Aachen University. Apart from its high productivity, the PADS group is full of great individuals and has an amazing atmosphere. This demanding yet incredibly supportive environment is a reason I do not regret my decision to go into academia in the slightest.
My research lies in the field of Process Mining - the data-driven analysis and improvement of processes. I work on developing new algorithms and methods to support an increase in the sustainability of business processes. As sustainability assessment requires a holistic process consideration, my research is based on object-centric Process Mining, which allows a multi-perspective view of a process. In this context, I work on enhancing Process Mining's capabilities for analysing material flows within and across company boundaries - logistical processes are crucial in increasing sustainability.
Research Papers
Nina Graves, István Koren, Wil M.P. van der Aalst
ReThink your Processes! A Review of Process Mining for Sustainability
International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainability
Nina Graves, István Koren, Majid Rafiei, Wil M.P. van der Aalst
From Identities to Quantities: Introducing Items and Decoupling Points to Object-centric Process Mining
Workshop on Collaborative Process Mining (COMINDS) at the International Conference for Process Mining
Dataset - Simulated Event Log
Benedikt Knopp, Nina Graves
Container Logistics Object-centric Event Log
Standard Data Format for Object-centric Event Logs
Alessandro Berti, István Koren, Jan Niklas Adams, Gyunam Park, Benedikt Knopp, Nina Graves, Majid Rafiei, Lukas Liß, Leah Tacke Genannt Unterberg, Yisong Zhang, Christopher Schwanen, Marco Pegoraro, Wil M.P. van der Aalst
OCEL (Object-Centric Event Log) 2.0 Specification